11/12/2003 11:06:00 PM 0 Comments »
alo alo alo
nothing much happen today. biase aa..woke up at 8.00am, gosok gigi, pakai baju, sikat rambut, kemas beg, pakai lipstick, then pakai coat, stokin, then jalan kaki pie sekolah. aku jalan lambat, so 25 minits baru sampai. not bad. light exercise every morning. really useful. esp when the doc said that the adrenaline level is high in my blood, so she advised to do more physical exercise. cant afford to go to gym, so leh la tu jalan kaki pie sekolah every morning. ooo...high adrenaline level tu aa yg buat aku cuak selame ni. hormone for the fight or flight situation. okla lately ni, takde aa rase palpitation sgt aka rase mcm jantung ko nak meletup bile2 mase, less shaking, less tremor. i think i can do this. i think i can do this. i mean i think i can carry on with this high-expectation/demand etc course. i think i can carry on this life.

balik sekolah, ngntuk. tido sat. bangun2 je, lagi 15 minits nak buke posa. okla kan hihi. msk mee goreng. termasin. obvious sgt nak kawen. ckp psl kawen, tadi pie frenster sat. nampak fatin dan hafiz/lisa kawin. omg, really2 nak kawin. huhu. bukan ari tu just promised myself dah taknak tgk gambar org kawin ke? huhu. ckp ngn azali..die tak layan. then gile2 bad mood. gile2 babi. i know i'm not supposed to tell this to anyone, lebih2 lagi tulih kat blog. tapi pedulik ape. dont think anyone baca pun blog ni. bengang. malu. azali selalu mcm tu. tak pernah suke ckp psl famili la, kawin la, or anything future. i know it's not appropriate sometimes, cause it's way far in the future, but hey..i'm a typical girl who wants assurance. i want security. it's not like i want to do it now NOW, but just to have the thought and share it with someone. bla bla bla. azali selalu mcm tu. i know he's serious enuff with me, but i guees i need more than that. i need assurance. i need to know that it's not just a dream...thought i can say/talk anything with him, but no, i cant. some things are better left inside.............